Here’s how IT budgets should fill cybersecurity moats in 2023

logo-192x192.png Here’s how IT budgets should fill cybersecurity moats in 2023>
Tech Republic – Karl Greenberg
TechRepublic speaks with Carlos Morales of Neustar Security Services on the best ways for companies to spend on cybersecurity — even if their budgets are tighter.

With spending cuts possible, how can organizations keep security initiatives fueled and ready to go? First, organizations should think very carefully about how they manage any cuts to spending. For instance, let’s say they want to reduce operating expenses by 10%. Democratizing the cuts may make it easier to manage across the organization, but this approach doesn’t account for all the risks associated with those cuts. Cybersecurity is only one area driving risk, but it’s a big one, so any decision to cut from security budgets means there may not be a firm understanding of the risks associated with cybersecurity in the budget planning process.

Are they using third-party providers who can offer, if not a turnkey solution, at least let an organization offload cyberdefense? MSPs can inject the right capabilities when they’re needed, provide expertise to augment the resources available to the business, and scale flexibly to meet growth and budgetary needs while offering a flexible OpEx model that will help the company better control their expenses.
