Research Reveals Disconnect Between Cybersecurity Professionals And Senior Management

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CXO Insight Middle East
New research from Trellix, reveals a disconnect between cybersecurity professionals and senior management. Despite widespread board-level ownership of cyber risk, almost half (42%) of UAE cybersecurity professionals say the board doesn’t pay sufficient attention to digital security. This points to a concerning trend that cyber security is being treated as a tick-box exercise.

In the UAE, a huge majority (89%) of cybersecurity professionals agree that there is a well-defined ownership of cyber risk at the board and management level, whether that sits with one individual (38%) or a committee/taskforce (51%). Yet, about a quarter (26%) of respondents highlighted that cybersecurity is not being considered a priority by C-suite/board level which has become a significant challenge for the business. With ownership not equating to prioritisation in the cyber space, it’s no surprise that 44% of UAE cyber professionals call out feeling undervalued by their business and 36% call out feeling undervalued by their boss as two of their biggest frustrations.

Fortunately, cybersecurity conversations are taking place in an organisation, with little over two-thirds (67%) confirm that regular discussions on cybersecurity and compliance are held with management and the senior leadership team.
