Cloudflare’s DDoS Threat Report Highlights Emergence of Hyper-volumetric Attacks and Botnets>
CIO Influence – Sudipto Ghosh
ecurity enablement company Cloudflare has arrived with DDoS Threat Report highlighting the size and volume of such attacks and how industries have fared against these attacks in the recent times. Here are some notable findings published in Cloudflare’s DDoS threat report 2023. Cyber attackers are minimizing their dependence on devices to launch DDoS attacks. These super-performance bots rely on Virtual Private Servers (VPS) that have replaced the Internet of Things (IoT) devices Hyper-volumetric DDoS attacks have peaked in the recent months. These attacks are purposefully designed to target and overwhelm internet networks and security scrubbing infrastructure with a very high volume of traffic. These attacks could last between 10 seconds to over 30 minutes– longer the attack, bigger is the threat of your internet services being eroded permanently here are five major types of volumetric attacks: ICMP Flood IC/ICMP Fragmentation IPSec Flood UDP Flood Reflection Amplification Attacks According to Cloudflare, ransom DDoS attacks grew steadily by 60% YoY, however, these attacks were steadier and mild compared to last year. 16% of the respondents were attacked by a Ransom DDoS. Broadcasting agencies and non-profit organizations were the biggest ransomware targets.
A majority of these attacks originated from Finland, while a large percentage of HTTP DDoS attacks targeted Israeli firms and US-based organizations. Finland was also the main target of network-layer DDoS attacks.