Evolving Cyber Insurance To Examine An Organization’s DNA>
Forbes – Rohyt Belani
Currently, the way cyber insurance policies are underwritten highlights a lack from a technical evaluation standpoint. Insurers will look at revenue, number of employees and global footprint, but that’s not an accurate measure of an organization’s security posture. An organization can have a small headcount but still have a lot to protect like a hedge fund, or can have a very large headcount, which may be a bloated startup that took on way too much funding.
o set up what an organization’s DNA should look like, cyber insurers should consider creating policies based on meaningful metrics that are demonstrative of the maturity and resilience of an organization’s cybersecurity posture. There are a few areas in particular that should be examined: Email Security Posture Endpoint Security Controls Maturity Of Security Operation Centers (SOCs)
Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/03/13/evolving-cyber-insurance-to-examine-an-organizations-dna/?sh=37660c2a4d85