How A Federal Ban On Ransomware Payments Could Help CISOs – CYBER ERA: Catalyzing the Digital Ec…>
With the White House considering a ban on ransom payments — which for the first time would elevate the cybersecurity conversation to the CEO, the CFO, and the board — it won’t just be the CISO stuck holding the bag when a cyberattack happens.Here’s what your business, C-suite, and board members should be thinking about as the White House looks to hold more organizations accountable for lapses in cybersecurity.In short, the role of the CISO has long been under-resourced and under-valued (something I can attest to as a former CIO), and we’re getting farther away from the days when it was OK to blame a CISO or a CIO for organizational cybersecurity shortcomings.And from the federal government, it’s clear that we need more direct guidance for business leaders, CEOs, and board members to drive greater action and accountability when it comes to cybersecurity.