“Information Governance in Action” is Theme for InfoGov World Conference in San Diego October 2-…>
– Robert Smallwood
The InfoGov World Conference 2023 has announced its theme as “Information Governance in Action” and will take place October 2-4, 2023 at the Horton Grand Hotel in San Diego. Key takeaways: Information Governance (IG) can be defined as “Security, control, and value maximization of information.” The conference will feature 60+ expert speakers and 60+ conference sessions. Major sponsors include Certified IG Officers Association, Gimmal, Smarsh, RadarFirst, Privacy Ref, Inc., and Institute for IG.
Link: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/646129711/information-governance-in-action-is-theme-for-infogov-world-conference-in-san-diego-october-2-4-2023
“Information Governance in Action” is Theme for InfoGov World Conference in San Diego October 2-…