Fear is the mind-killer: Governance key to safety in the cyber dunes

Fear is the mind-killer: Governance key to safety in the cyber dunes>
– Peter Woollacott
In the modern world, digital risk management is a complex and ever-evolving concept.
Cybersecurity is a hugely important issue for businesses, organizations and private individuals, and it is important to understand the risks involved and put in place the necessary steps to manage them.
The key to success is to exercise good governance and ensure that the necessary procedures are in place to mitigate any potential issues.
The first stage of any digital risk management strategy should be the identification and assessment of the threats that a business or organization may face.
This could include threats such as data loss, ransomware attacks, malware infiltrations, and so on.
Once the threats have been identified and the level of risk evaluated, a plan should be developed in order to mitigate and manage any potential risks.
This should include policies, procedures, and controls such as firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion and security management systems, and comprehensive education and awareness initiatives for staff.
In addition, the organization should develop specific objectives and outcomes and be able to track and measure their progress in meeting those objectives.
This could include creating metrics such as the number of data breaches, the validity of passwords, the rate of patching, and so on.
This enables the organization to identify areas where additional steps may be required to enhance their security.
Finally, it is important to take a holistic approach to cybersecurity and understand the different potential areas where risk could come from.
By understanding the external environment, such as potential threats from malicious actors, any application or system that is being used, and the different external factors that can affect the security of an organization’s network or data, the organization can be better prepared and have a more comprehensive approach to cyber risk management.
At the end of the day, a successful cybersecurity program is one that is well governed, supported by clear policies and procedures, is monitored and tracked regularly, and can respond appropriately to any changes or threats.
By having these elements in place, an organization can ensure that they are protected from digital risks and can respond quickly and effectively when needed.
Link: https://www.computerweekly.com/opinion/Fear-is-the-mind-killer-Governance-key-to-safety-in-the-cyber-dunes
