Overconfident Organisations Prone to Cyber Breaches, Study Finds>
– Poteau Daily News
The study by cybersecurity firm OverConfident Security reveals that organisations who think they are secure from cyber-attacks are usually the most prone to them.
The study found that organisations who believed high levels of confidence in their cyber defence systems were nine times more likely to suffer a breach when compared to organisations whose security was not as confident.
The study followed 1,000 organisations from the UK, US, Germany, India, and Australia to compare their confidence levels and cybersecurity practices.
It found that organisations with higher levels of confidence were far more likely to ignore or overlook the basics of cyber security such as keeping critical systems up to date, prompting them to be more vulnerable to cyber-attack.
The higher levels of confidence also created a complacency over cyber threat awareness, which served to mask or disguise weaknesses in their cyber defences.
The study also found that organisations with higher levels of confidence fixated on keeping technologically advanced solutions at the forefront of their defences instead of investing in basics such as employee training.
The study highlighted the importance of employees understanding basic cyber security practices and the dangers of assuming you are safe from attack, no matter how secure your systems appear to be.
It is only when organisations take the necessary precautions when evaluating their security systems, implementing training policies
Link: http://business.theantlersamerican.com/theantlersamerican/article/releasewire-2023-9-13-overconfident-organisations-prone-to-cyber-breaches-study-finds
Overconfident Organisations Prone to Cyber Breaches, Study Finds