Indusface has integrated a web application scanner, firewall, DDoS, BOT migration, CDN and threa…

Indusface has integrated a web application scanner, firewall, DDoS, BOT migration, CDN and threa…>
– Editorial Desk
Indusface, an application security platform, has integrated a Web Application Scanner Firewall (WAF), DDoS Bot Migration, CDN, and Threat Intelligence Engine into its platform to provide customers with enhanced security for an increasingly online world.
The comprehensive set of security technologies now being provided by Indusface helps users to reduce the risk of attacks and mitigate the cost of responding to incidents.
The Web Application Scanner Firewall (WAF) for mitigating web application vulnerabilities reducing the chances of successful abhorrent attacks being carried out.
The DDoS Bot Migration technology identifies malicious bots and blocks them from accessing or crawling user applications, websites, and networks.
The Threat Intelligence Engine collects and analyzes sources from across the web to detect and respond to any security incidents.
The integrated CDN will help with faster website loading times, improved performance, and providing more efficient security.
Indusface’s new suite of applications and services helps users to anticipate and respond to incidents and vulnerabilities quickly.
As cyber threats continue to evolve and increase, it is essential for businesses to be prepared for any situation that could occur.
Indusface’s new and improved platform provides organizations with the most robust set of security tools and services to assist with this.
