Healey-Driscoll Awards $2.3M to CyberTrust Massachusetts to Strengthen Municipal Cybersecurity E…>
BOSTON – Today, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced a $2.3 million grant through the MassTech Collaborative’s MassCyberCenter to CyberTrust Massachusetts , a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening the cybersecurity ecosystem, to support cybersecurity resiliency for Massachusetts communities and help develop a talent pipeline at Masschusetts colleges and universities to encourage students to enter the field.
Link: https://www.darkreading.com/operations/healey-driscoll-administration-awards-2-3-million-to-cybertrust-massachusetts-to-strengthen-municipal-cybersecurity-efforts-statewide
Healey-Driscoll Awards $2.3M to CyberTrust Massachusetts to Strengthen Municipal Cybersecurity E…