vCIO vs. vCISO: Which Is Right for Your Business? – Sikich LLP

vCIO vs. vCISO: Which Is Right for Your Business? – Sikich LLP
In 2022, major companies like Twitter, Uber, and U.S. airport websites experienced significant cyberattacks, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity measures.
However, navigating the complex IT landscape goes beyond just cybersecurity.
Many businesses lack the internal resources to handle the various IT challenges they face, from adapting to remote work to managing cloud migration.
Having a dedicated Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is crucial for identifying areas for improvement in technology and security, ultimately saving costs and preventing potential risks.
Implementing effective cyber incident detection, response, and prevention is vital not only for national security but also for protecting businesses from significant financial losses.
The average cost of a ransomware attack is projected to skyrocket to $11.5 million by 2023, emphasizing the need for businesses to seek assistance from IT and cybersecurity experts.
Sikich, an Elite Top Ranked 150 MSP Partner, offers security mitigation expertise and a suite of solutions to protect businesses.
Regular staff training on cybersecurity is essential, considering that 91% of cyberattacks start with spear-phishing emails.
Businesses that experience a cyber breach face potential closure within six months.
Sikich provides third-party assessments, incident response planning, and comprehensive cybersecurity measures as a strategic partner.
Virtual Chief Information Officers (vCIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (vCISOs) are cost-effective alternatives to in-house hires.
A vCIO oversees IT infrastructure and provides technology strategy consultation, while a vCISO addresses cybersecurity needs and manages security infrastructure.
They bring expertise, industry knowledge, and managed IT services to businesses.
Choosing virtual IT professionals, supported by experienced managed services provider (MSP) teams, can help businesses navigate technology challenges more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Sikich offers managed IT services as a strategic partner, offering expert consultation to achieve technology goals within budget and timeframe.
By opting for virtual IT liaisons, businesses can keep their technology running smoothly and effectively without the need for costly in-house hires.
The expertise and support provided by virtual technology liaisons can lead to improved efficiency, customer experience, and cybersecurity, making them valuable partners for businesses of all sizes.
