Effective Strategies for Detecting Lateral Movement

android-chrome-256x256-1.png Effective Strategies for Detecting Lateral Movement>
– ninikhew
1. Use network segmentation – Segmenting a network allows administrators to fortify it more easily since attackers won’t have access to the entire network. By breaking down the network into smaller, more easily monitored pieces, it limits the ability for lateral movement and also provides better opportunities for visibility and control. 2. Monitor user behavior – By monitoring user behavior, administrators can detect unusual actions across the network as a sign that something is amiss. This includes keeping an eye out for any irregular changes to access control lists, authentication logs, and system configurations. 3. Utilize endpoint security solutions – Endpoint security solutions offer protection against lateral movement by monitoring the network for any suspicious activities. Sophisticated endpoint security solutions use machine learning to detect earlier signs of malicious activity and alert administrators to take action. 4. Conduct periodic security scans – Regular security scans of the entire network can help uncover any weaknesses or vulnerable accounts that may be at risk of lateral movement. Security scans should also be conducted on a regular basis as new systems are brought online. 5. Invest in an AI-powered SIEM – An AI-powered Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution can detect threats and anomalies in the system in real
Link: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/06/effective-strategies-for-detecting-lateral-movement/
