Overcoming the Challenges of Securing Unstructured Data

Overcoming the Challenges of Securing Unstructured Data
– Lindsay Miller
1. Understand your data: Unstructured data is typically generated in multiple formats and formats, making it difficult to centrally manage and securely store. To ensure security, assess the type, source, and location of your unstructured data so your security team can create the proper controls and procedures. 2. Use encryption: As unstructured data is usually stored on various devices, implementing encryption can help protect the data from the point of storage by disguising its content. 3. Monitor for suspicious activity: Keeping a close eye on server logs and other activity associated with unstructured data can help reduce the risk of a data breach. 4. Regularly back up your data: After security measures have been implemented, backing up data regularly can help protect vital information in the event of a compromised system. 5. Train your employees: Humans remain the weakest link when it comes to security, which is why providing employees with necessary cyber security training is critical. At a minimum, they should know the risks associated with handling unstructured data and how to detect and respond to threats.
Link: https://www.morganfranklin.com/news/overcoming-the-challenges-of-securing-unstructured-data/
