NYDFS Publishes Revised Amendments to Its Cybersecurity Regulation – What Got Fixed, and What St…
The New York Department of Financial Services has released a Revised Proposed Second Amendment to its Cybersecurity Regulation, 23 NYCRR Part 500, which reflects revisions made based on comments from the public. The changes include narrowing the definition of Class A companies, removing some external audit and risk assessment requirements, softening the cyber expertise requirement for boards, and increasing the MFA requirements. Companies making comments on the Revised Amendment should review the Assessment of Public Comments for the NYDFS’s reasons for accepting or rejecting certain comments.
Link: https://www.debevoisedatablog.com/2023/07/10/nydfs-publishes-revised-amendments-to-its-cybersecurity-regulation/
NYDFS Publishes Revised Amendments to Its Cybersecurity Regulation – What Got Fixed, and What St…