CISA advisory committee urges action on cyber alerts and corporate boards>
Cyber Scoop – Christian Vasquez
An advisory committee to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency delivered a long list of recommendations on Wednesday that encourage the agency to take measures to increase the cybersecurity expertise on corporate boards of directors, develop a national cybersecurity alert mechanism and better protect high-risk communities from surveillance.
Wednesday’s report includes recommendations from six subcommittees that cover corporate cyber responsibility, cyber hygiene, the creation of a national cybersecurity alert system, reducing systemic risk to critical infrastructure, protecting high-risk communities and the cybersecurity workforce.
The subcommittee on corporate cyber responsibility recommended that corporate board members be educated and trained on cybersecurity issues, especially with new rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission coming into effect requiring publicly traded companies to report significant breaches of their computer systems and data.
The subcommittee also encouraged CISA to explore performance goals to measure what would amount to a “cyber responsible” board.
Another recommendation calls for a national cybersecurity alert system to be administered by CISA.
While there are multiple avenues of information flows like advisories, bulletins and so on, “they’re not authoritative; they’re not coherent,” Inglis said.