7 tough IT security discussions every IT leader must have>
– John Edwards
Here’s a summary of the key points:
1) **Systems Modernization**: Ensure your systems are adequately modernized for security.
Security should be built into your technology infrastructure, not simply added on.
2) **Cyber Scenarios**: Regularly discuss and plan for potential cyber scenarios.
This includes creating an incident-response plan and testing it periodically.
3) **Security Culture**: Foster a culture of security within your organization.
This means empowering employees to operate within approved security guidelines, leading to faster innovation and better business results.
4) **Emerging Threats Assessment**: Stay up to date on emerging threats.
Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, so it’s important to stay informed and adjust your strategies accordingly.
5) **Incident Response Plan**: Have an effective incident response plan in place.
This plan should be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
6) **Security Investments ROI**: Ensure you’re achieving maximum return on investment (ROI) on your security investments.
This involves making sure the information flowing into your security solutions is timely, accurate, and deduplicated.
7) **Financial Exposure**: Understand the financial impact if your IT systems were to go down.
Regularly discuss and plan for this scenario to ensure your IT environment is secure, robust, and resilient.
Remember, these conversations should be ongoing and involve all relevant parties, including C-suite colleagues, business partners, and IT staff.
Link: https://www.cio.com/article/650903/7-tough-it-security-discussions-every-it-leader-must-have.html
7 tough IT security discussions every IT leader must have