5 areas IT leaders should be followers>
IDG Insider Pro – Mike Elgan
Recent events have demonstrated that sometimes, to lead is to follow. Here are five key areas when following is the path to great leadership. 1) Mobile security Leadership doesn’t confer expertise. It simple means that your own personal mobile security tools and practices need to be at least as strong as other employees, or you become the perfect target — easier to hack and more profitable to breach. 2) Password policy Leadership in this case is to follow the password rules like everyone else. 3) Security spending Listening to the budget recommendations of the security specialists in your organization requires real leadership because if the higher spending stops catastrophic attacks, you’ll never get credit for it. 4) Pandemic response In short, leading your company, department or team during a pandemic means helping public health officials lead. 5) Employee-initiated philanthropy or advocacy The response to this by leadership can be one of three general directions: 1) Resist or suppress it; 2) take no action; 3) join and support from a leadership position.
Link: https://www.idginsiderpro.com/article/3563415/5-areas-it-leaders-should-be-followers.html
5 areas IT leaders should be followers