Home security a Core concern for Norton

Home security a Core concern for Norton>
The Australian – Chris Griffith
Antivirus firms like Norton constantly warn us about the Internet of Things (IoT) being a new threat to internet security at home. Of course they would, you say; they are out to make money from consumers. The geodesic dome-shaped Norton Core is the latest to offer added security at the router level. Core is smallish and tries to be a fashion statement as well as an effective security tool. Installation is straightforward. You plug in an Ethernet cable from your modem, fire up Core and configure your network using the Norton Core smartphone app.
Link: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/technology/home-security-a-core-concern-for-norton/news-story/824de40b161c2499fc9fd8d1f95f41ff
