Financial Services Blocking 81 Percent of Attacks, Accenture Finds>
eWeek – Sean Michael Kerner
Cyber-security at financial services firms is improving, according to Accenture, with organizations reporting they are blocking more cyber-attack breach attempts in 2018 than in 2017. Accenture released its 2018 State of Cyber Resilience for Financial Services study on Sept. 17, reporting that banks and insurance companies were able to stop 81 percent of all cyber-attack breach attempts in 2018, up from 66 percent in 2017. The improvement in cyber-resilience for financial services firms was not a surprise result for Accenture either. Among the other high-level findings in the report was that 83 percent of respondents said new technologies are essential to keeping their organizations secure. The study also found that 69 percent of cyber-attacks against financial services organizations were detected internally by employees. Looking at time to detection, Accenture found that 47 percent of breaches were detected in one to seven days, with 11 percent of breaches detected in less than a day. Thirty-three percent of breaches were detected in one to four weeks, while 9 percent were detected in more than one month.
Financial Services Blocking 81 Percent of Attacks, Accenture Finds