Haven Cyber Technologies acquires Onevinn

favicon.icoHaven Cyber Technologies acquires Onevinn>
Help Net Security
Haven Cyber Technologies (âHavenâ) announces its acquisition of Onevinn, the leading Swedish provider of Microsoft cloud security services and solutions. The acquisition reflects Havenâs continued focus on strengthening its solutions, products and consulting competencies and becoming the leading European Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). Onevinn offers security solutions for the cloud and the mobile connected world. The specialist venture capital firm C5 Capital leads Haven based out of Luxemburg. The common goal of Haven´s operating companies â ITC Secure and Onevinn â is to provide enterprises with outstanding cybersecurity services and products. Haven will develop a common product and services offering across its operating companies.
Link: https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2019/02/11/haven-onevinn/
