A 10-point plan to vet SaaS provider security>
CSO Online, from IDG – Bob Violino
1) Review SaaS patching policies 2) Check alignment of SaaS and internal security controls 3) Make sure you own your data 4) Ensure the SaaS provider complies with relevant regulations 5) Know where the data is stored 6) Check for data loss or corruption provisions 7) Involve security in the SaaS procurement process 8) Identify sub-services the SaaS provider uses 9) Test thoroughly during free SaaS trials 10) Review SaaS providerâs third-party audits
Link: https://www.csoonline.com/article/3546316/a-10-point-plan-to-vet-saas-provider-security.html
A 10-point plan to vet SaaS provider security