MongoDB announces new search, cloud and edge capabilities

mongo-370x229.jpgMongoDB announces new search, cloud and edge capabilities>
Computing – John Leonard
MongoDB users can now create unions between collections of different structures, so long as they have a common field to act as a key. Shard keys (indexed fields that determine the distribution of a collection’s documents across the cluster’s shards) can now be altered without having to take the database down. A third major change is called âhedged reads’. This is designed to deal with latency caused when a query gets sent to a node that’s busy or faulty, by instead distributing the query to multiple nodes simultaneously and then returning the quickest response to the user. The MongoDB Cloud database platform sees the Atlas Data Lake released for general consumption along with new search capabilities. The data lake will integrate data stored in AWS S3 with other services to allow for data tiering, with âcolder’ data stored where it’s cheaper. A new feature called Federated Query allows queries to run across both hot and cold data in their different tiers.
