Elevate Your Threat Hunting with JARM

android-chrome-256x256-1-32x32.pngElevate Your Threat Hunting with JARM>
– David Ratner
Threat hunting is an invaluable security practice for any modern enterprise. It is an active and proactive process of exploring a network or system to detect malicious activity such as malware, unauthorized access or suspicious insider behavior. Due to the rapidly changing landscape of cyber threats, investing in threat hunting through an integrated security and analytics platform can help organizations protect themselves from malicious actors and stay ahead of the curve. Jarm is a cloud-native threat hunting platform that provides complete visibility and actionable insights into an organization’s security posture. By using end-to-end security analytics, Jarm helps security teams create comprehensive threat hunting strategies and investigate security events. The platform offers various features, such as automated alerting, dashboards, and alert filtering based on source, time, and incident impact, and an investigation assistant to help teams quickly identify and investigate security threats. Jarm also integrates with multiple popular security systems for better insight into an organization’s security posture. Finally, Jarm’s cloud management service provides organizations with storage options, such as EDR, for security events. With the help of Jarm, organizations can elevate their threat hunting practices while also staying compliant with security best practices and regulations. Investing in a comprehensive threat hunting strategy and using Jarm
Link: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/07/elevate-your-threat-hunting-with-jarm/

