Amazon Detective adds Amazon EKS security investigations to AWS Workshop Studio

favicon.ico Amazon Detective adds Amazon EKS security investigations to AWS Workshop Studio>
Amazon Detective/EKS Investigations Workshop and Studio is a free, open source guide designed to help AWS customers — security professionals, developers, operations engineers, and others — debug and resolve security issues in compute clusters running on Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service). The workshop provides guided exercises and hands-on labs that walk users through a series of investigations of sample security events, while the Studio provides a powerful environment for ad-hoc investigations. With the help of Amazon Detective/EKS Investigations Workshop and Studio, users will be able to: • Analyze and troubleshoot security events occurring in their Amazon EKS compute clusters. • Leverage the power of Amazon Detective to identify and isolate security risks in their environment. • Understand and use the data collected by Amazon Detective to respond to security issues. • Quickly create a response plan for any identified security issues. • Automate the resolution of security issues in their Amazon EKS compute clusters.

