Exfiltrated, Signed, Delivered – What Can Go Wrong When an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) In…

Exfiltrated, Signed, Delivered – What Can Go Wrong When an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) In…>
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SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) attacks are a threat to applications hosted on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
In a SSRF attack, an attacker can send malicious requests to the EC2 instance from the same or a different domain.
The attacker can use this attack to access sensitive data and resources on the instance or to launch a variety of attacks on other services and networks.
First and foremost, it is important to ensure that appropriate authentication is in place for EC2 instances.
This step will prevent unauthorised requests from reaching the instance.
Secondly, ensure that all input fields are validated to prevent any malicious requests.
This is especially important when processing customer input data, since this data can be manipulated to send malicious requests.
It is also important to auditing EC2 configurations regularly to ensure that all instances are secure.
This can include applying security patches, security groups (for instance, whitelisting IPs or domains which are authorised to access the instance), and using encryption for data-at-rest.
Finally, it is important to setup regular monitoring and logging for EC2.
This will help catch any malicious requests that are sent to the instance.
This can also help address any potential vulnerabilities, which would help to limit the risk of SSRF attacks.
Link: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/10/exfiltrated-signed-delivered-what-can-go-wrong-when-an-amazon-elastic-compute-cloud-ec2-instance-is-exposed-to-ssrf/

