Tidelift improves software supply chain security with open source intelligence capabilities

Tidelift improves software supply chain security with open source intelligence capabilities>
Help Net Security
Tidelift announced a broad new set of capabilities as part of the Tidelift Subscription that expand customers’ ability to utilize Tidelift’s maintainer-validated data to make more informed decisions about open source packages and minimize open source-related risk.

Tidelift’s open source package intelligence data is researched and validated by Tidelift and its paid maintainer partners and available via the Tidelift Subscription.
Tidelift automates the data collection, curates and structures the data, and provides APIs to easily integrate with existing workflows and business intelligence tools.

The Tidelift Subscription includes:
First-party maintainer-sourced data.
Automated, structured, and centralized data.
Tidelift human-researched data.
Link: https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2023/10/12/tidelift-open-source-package/

