Dragos Launches Community Defense Program to Help Secure Industrial Infrastructure for Small Uti…

Dragos Launches Community Defense Program to Help Secure Industrial Infrastructure for Small Uti…>
Business Wire
Dragos Inc. has launched the Dragos Community Defense Program to provide free OT cybersecurity software for small water, electric, and natural gas utility providers.
This initiative aims to support under-resourced utility providers with annual revenues under $100M, granting them access to Dragos Platform and Neighborhood Keeper.
The Dragos Platform offers asset visibility, threat detection, vulnerability management, and threat hunting, while Neighborhood Keeper facilitates collective defense and community threat visibility.
The program also includes access to Dragos Academy for on-demand training and education, as well as membership in OT-CERT.
Robert M.
Lee, CEO and Co-Founder of Dragos, Inc., emphasized the program’s goal of supporting small utilities that struggle to establish OT cybersecurity programs due to limited resources and expertise.
The Community Defense Program originally launched as a trial in 2022 and aims to aid these organizations in bolstering their security postures and reducing OT cyber risk.
The program also benefits from partnerships such as Elastic, which provides Elasticsearch as the primary log storage and query engine within the platform.
OT-CERT, the OT-Cyber Emergency Readiness Team, extends support to participants of the Dragos Community Defense Program through free resources, how-to guides, best practices, training, working sessions, tabletop exercises, and webinars.
Dragos has been offering free resources through OT-CERT since 2022, with over 1,500 members across 60 countries.
Small utilities meeting the stated criteria can apply to become members of the program.
Dragos, Inc., known for its mission to safeguard civilization by leveraging industrial cybersecurity technology, aims to broaden its community-focused approach and provide critical resources to vulnerable organizations through this program.
For more information or to apply for membership, interested parties can visit the official Dragos website.
Link: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231206442574/en/Dragos-Launches-Community-Defense-Program-to-Help-Secure-Industrial-Infrastructure-for-Small-Utilities

