Demand for ‘Secure by Design’ Product Growing, Creating Opportunity for Software Security Specia…

Demand for ‘Secure by Design’ Product Growing, Creating Opportunity for Software Security Specia…>
Dark Reading – ISC2
ISC2 has launched a new self-paced training for the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) certification.
The training uses adaptive, personalized learning tailored to each individual’s needs, knowledge, speed and confidence levels.
Demand for application security skills is growing due to increasing software supply chain attacks and regulations requiring secure development practices.
Governments like CISA and NCSC are advocating for a “secure by design” approach to software development.
The CSSLP certification demonstrates expertise in authentication, authorization and auditing throughout the SDLC.
The training allows professionals to build in-demand skills and supports compliance with emerging security requirements.
ISC2 expects regulation and market demand to significantly impact the software development process in coming years.
The goal is to help members and other professionals advance their careers through new skills in secure development lifecycles.
