Gartner Predicts 30% of Enterprises Will Consider Identity Verification and Authentication Solut…

Gartner Predicts 30% of Enterprises Will Consider Identity Verification and Authentication Solut…
Gartner predicts that by 2026, the use of AI-generated deepfakes for attacks on face biometrics will result in 30% of enterprises questioning the reliability of identity verification and authentication solutions.
The synthetic images, known as deepfakes, can undermine biometric authentication, leading organizations to doubt whether verified individuals are live persons or deepfakes.
Current identity verification and authentication processes rely on presentation attack detection (PAD) to assess liveness, but do not cover digital injection attacks using AI-generated deepfakes.
Gartner’s research highlights a 200% increase in injection attacks in 2023, indicating the need for a combination of injection attack detection (IAD), image inspection, and PAD to mitigate these threats.
To address these evolving threats, CISOs and risk management leaders are advised to work with vendors who have capabilities and plans that go beyond current standards to detect and prevent deepfake-based attacks using IAD and image inspection.
Additionally, organizations should consider incorporating risk and recognition signals, such as device identification and behavioral analytics, to enhance the detection of attacks on their identity verification processes.
Overall, security and risk management leaders should prioritize mitigating the risks of AI-driven deepfake attacks by selecting technology that can validate genuine human presence and implementing additional measures to prevent account takeover.
Gartner clients can find further information in the report “Predicts 2024: AI & Cybersecurity — Turning Disruption into an Opportunity.”
