How the SEC’s Rules on Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure Are Exploited

How the SEC’s Rules on Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure Are Exploited>
Dark Reading – Ken Dunham
Data vulnerabilities and cyberattacks are increasing, prompting new SEC rules requiring public companies to report material cyber incidents.
Threat actors like ransomware groups try to exploit these rules to pressure victims into meeting demands.
Key Ways for Public Companies to Respond
Be proactive about cybersecurity through testing, awareness training, and CISO accountability.
Develop comprehensive incident response plans outlining actions from discovery to SEC reporting.
Stress test response to scenarios like premature exposure of an attack.
Share learnings and work with the cybersecurity community to establish stronger defenses.
Looking Ahead
Public companies now have greater responsibility for cybersecurity hygiene.
Threat actors are growing more sophisticated, using tactics like generative AI.
Companies need to prioritize security, plan responses, and collaborate to regain control of the narrative and neutralize emerging threats.
In summary, while new transparency rules open doors for attackers, proactive security and coordination across the industry can help businesses stay resilient.

