Salesforce Adds Ability to Apply Custom Security Policies to APIs –

Salesforce Adds Ability to Apply Custom Security Policies to APIs –> – Mike Vizard
Salesforce has added the ability to customize security policies for APIs in its Mulesoft Anypoint platform, enabling streamlined development of policies that can be implemented as code.
This allows baking API security into the automated DevOps workflow rather than relying on a separate security platform.
Pre-built policies are available, with the new capability to apply custom policies as attacks get more advanced.
As accountability for API security shifts left onto DevSecOps teams, addressing it via code provides insight, unlike cybersecurity teams that lack visibility into API development.
Automating policy building and application secures APIs as part of the software development life cycle, minimizing impact on developer productivity.
Securing APIs early is critical as breaches can be catastrophic.
The developers who created the APIs will ultimately be responsible for fixing them, so providing security tools at time of creation is ideal.

