Cybersecurity Platform CrowdSec Announces Compatibility With Windows, Synology, OPNSense And Magento

cropped-ITSECURITYWIRE-FAVCON-2-270x270.pngCybersecurity Platform CrowdSec Announces Compatibility With Windows, Synology, OPNSense And Magento>
IT Security Wire
CrowdSec, the Paris-based collaborative cybersecurity solution, has today announced that its open-source software has expanded its compatibility range to include Windows, Synology, OPNSense and Magento. These new compatibilities extend CrowdSecâs ability to detect, block, and share intelligence on cyberattacks among its community of users, employing crowdsourcing to make the internet a safer place for all. After having previously supported most popular Linux-based distributions, CrowdSecâs extended compatibility portfolio can now integrate with and support additional key platforms and operating systems.

CrowdSec has released an ALPHA version of its Microsoft Windows port, which comes with several new Windows-specific features, including RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol); SMB: a client-server protocol allowing for access to resources on the network to guard against brute force detection; IIS logs parser; SQL Server brute force detection; Windows Firewall port scan detection. Being the most popular NAS (Network Attached Storage) solution on the b2c market, Synology naturally attracts cyberattacks. The latest attack featured brute force attacks on internet-exposed login credentials, probing for weak or default usernames and passwords, and if successful, the StealthWorker malware would have been injected. However, with CrowdSec installed, Synology servers can prevent any brute force attacks or any other scenarios, offering a simple-to-deploy yet powerful protection layer for Synology NAS solutions.

The CrowdSec open-source port allows users to integrate CrowdSecâs community-generated IP blocking lists with OPNsenseâs firewall and set up new firewall rules. CrowdSec will instruct Magento to display a CAPTCHA to make sure bots are blocked, but legitimate users can go through and complete their business.

