What makes CISOs successful?

What makes CISOs successful>
CSO, from IDG – Jon Oltsik
Leadership and communication skills top the list of what’s needed to succeed as a CISO, while technical skills arenât nearly as important. 54% of CISOs believe CISO success depends upon leadership skills. 49% of CISOs believe CISO success depends upon communications skills. 44% of CISOs believe CISO success depends upon a strong relationship with business executives. 33% of CISOs believe CISO success depends upon management skills. 21% of CISOs believe CISO success depends upon technical skills. The absolute key to CISO success rests on the executive team. Their attitude and actions tend to make or break CISOs.
Link: https://www.csoonline.com/article/3291557/security/what-makes-cisos-successful.html
