93% of security decision makers are being kept awake at night worrying about organisational security issues, finds research study by CSI Ltd>
Global Security Mag – CSI
A new research report by CSI Ltd looking into the top concerns of cyber security decision makers finds that 78% believe the current cost-of-living crisis will increase the risk of a cyber threat occurring in their organisation. This finding was especially prevalent in the healthcare (84%) and financial services (86%) sectors.
The vast majority (93%) of those surveyed are currently being kept awake at night worrying about organisational security issues. The top three issues reported were lack of cyber security skills within the organisation (30%), limited resources within the IT team (29%) and old IT infrastructure (27%). 25% of cyber security decision makers were also worried about third party suppliers leaving them vulnerable to a cyber-attack.
For respondents in the healthcare sector, a lack of budget was a top concern (30%). This is particularly worrying for an industry where the perceived risk is higher.
But one of the reasons why this was not a top worry of other sectors may be down to a greater understanding of the cyber security challenge at board level. Gartner recently found that 88% of boards now regard cyber security as a business risk rather than solely an IT problem.
However, this acceptance of responsibility isn’t true in all cases. CSI Ltd’s research found that almost 1 in 3 (28%) of those in larger organisations (10,000+ employees) say the board don’t take cyber security seriously enough, demonstrating that more collaboration is required.
Link: https://www.globalsecuritymag.com/93-of-security-decision-makers-are-being-kept-awake-at-night-worrying-about.html