Evolving Your SIEM Detection Rules: A Journey from Simple to Sophisticated

Evolving Your SIEM Detection Rules: A Journey from Simple to Sophisticated>
Databricks Blog
The blog post discusses the evolution of SIEM detection capabilities from basic pattern matching to more advanced techniques like anomaly detection, machine learning, and risk-based alerting.
It outlines the purpose, benefits, limitations, and use cases of different detection methods like pattern-based rules, threshold-based rules, anomaly detection, trend analysis and machine learning.
Examples of SQL queries are provided for each technique.
It emphasizes that while advanced methods improve threat detection, scaling them can be challenging.
The post also introduces Databricks’ unified analytics platform for running these detections cost-effectively at scale on large datasets.
Overall, it aims to demystify the “detection maturity curve” and illustrate how organizations can upgrade their SIEM detection strategies to effectively address sophisticated cyber threats.
Link: https://www.databricks.com/blog/evolving-your-siem-detection-rules-journey-simple-sophisticated

