ACSC warns of Windows malware Emotet spreading in Australia Featured

favicon-194x194.png?v=1571995373ACSC warns of Windows malware Emotet spreading in Australia Featured>
IT Wire – Sam Varghese
An infection of Windows systems by the Emotet malware was the precursor to the recent ransomware attack on Victorian hospitals, the Australian Cyber Security Centre says, as part of a warning that Emotet, which has been around since 2014, is being spread in Australia by malicious emails. The ACSC named the ransomware as being Ryuk. According to the Israeli firm Check Point, Ryuk is used only for tailored attacks. In a statement, the ACSC said it had received numerous reports of confirmed Emotet infections from different industries, including critical infrastructure providers and government agencies.

The ACSC has asked anyone who requires assistance to contact
