Entrust Datacard unveils a single portal to discover, control and automate certificate management

cropped-hns2-270x270.pngEntrust Datacard unveils a single portal to discover, control and automate certificate management>
Help Net Security
Organizations using Entrust Datacard Certificate Hub gain visibility and management across their Entrust Datacard private and publicly trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs), as well as Microsoft CAs. The platform provides an easy-to-use and intuitive interface that acts as an enforcement point to centrally manage policy and certificate lifecycle management activities including network discovery, certificate issuance and fully automated reporting. Certificate Hub is fully compatible with existing PKI integrations, so it complements rather than disrupts an organizationâs current environment. The application deploys on premise using modern orchestration technology and uses modular pluggable components for expansion and future growth.
Link: https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2020/04/16/entrust-datacard-certificate-hub/
